Campaign Overview: 
Collaborating with all stakeholders - including the production team, the nonprofit Protect Our Winters and it's founder Jeremy Jones, the host and EP on the film, and key brand partners, we executed an integrated impact and marketing campaign.
We focused on producing and promoting targeted digital events and panels in the lead up to the 2020 election in purple states with winter economies. Collaborating with local organizations and thought leaders, we worked to strengthen voter turnout and help elect climate-minded legislators. This focused uniquely on recruiting unlikely supporters for the environmental movement, like hunters, fishers, and winter athletes by showcasing what they had to lose if we lose our winters.
Campaign Elements:
Purple State Screening Tour
Capitol Hill Event
Georgia Senate Runoff
Influencer Marketing Campaign
Digital Ads Campaign
Brand Partnerships

Campaign Results:
3,000+ People attended a digital screening of Purple Mountains ahead of the 2020 election
25 campaign events with 30+ organizational partners 3 month period
5600 Press Hits
98% retention rate, among 122 attendees at Capitol Hill event focused on giving POW a presence amongst legislators. 
1 Capitol Hill screening with Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM)
6+ million reached, 7+ million impressions via digital campaign
5 brand partners, including Clif, who promoted the film and campaign, helping to extend audience impact while providing Clif  a tool to help educate and engage their consumers
Execution of a Georgia Senate Runoff event and grassroots engagement campaign to help drive audiences to vote. 

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